Major Blunder
And we are back. Most of you loyal viewers--having wept yourselves to sleep for the past couple of weeks and gone through a couple brands of SSRI's--have probably been wondering what happened to Le Tas & Me? Why has my life felt like an endless abyss of solitude over the past month?
There are no good answers to these questions; just more questions. Without revealing too much, Le Tas & Me were on an extended leave of absence, one that involved margaritas, a deserted tropical island and profuse amounts of lubricant. But, as was stated earlier, we are back. And much has happened.
Perhaps most interestingly, the Clinton strategy--intentional or otherwise--of pidgeonholing Barack Obama as the black candidate in his inevitable South Carolina victory seems to have boomeranged back in their faces. Obama's white vote has remained sturdy, generally falling barely behind Clinton in national polls and trumping her in caucus states. On the flip side, his proportion of the black vote has skyrocketed in a feat once thought unimaginable when going toe to toe with Hillary, spouse of America's "first black president." We aren't sure anyone could have seen this coming, but we welcome it.
More to come after the Chesapeake Tuesday primaries.
There are no good answers to these questions; just more questions. Without revealing too much, Le Tas & Me were on an extended leave of absence, one that involved margaritas, a deserted tropical island and profuse amounts of lubricant. But, as was stated earlier, we are back. And much has happened.
Perhaps most interestingly, the Clinton strategy--intentional or otherwise--of pidgeonholing Barack Obama as the black candidate in his inevitable South Carolina victory seems to have boomeranged back in their faces. Obama's white vote has remained sturdy, generally falling barely behind Clinton in national polls and trumping her in caucus states. On the flip side, his proportion of the black vote has skyrocketed in a feat once thought unimaginable when going toe to toe with Hillary, spouse of America's "first black president." We aren't sure anyone could have seen this coming, but we welcome it.
More to come after the Chesapeake Tuesday primaries.